VOV, MOET cooperate on communication

(VOVworld) – Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) have signed an agreement on communication programs until 2015. Accordingly, VOV will broadcast orientations, guidelines, and measures to comprehensively and drastically reform the education sector, role models and lessons in order to improve educational quality and educational development in remote and disadvantaged areas.

VOV, MOET cooperate on communication - ảnh 1
VOV’s Director General Nguyen Dang Tien spoke at Monday’s signing ceremony

VOV’s Director General Nguyen Dang Tien spoke at Monday’s signing ceremony: "Radio Voice of Vietnam runs 4 forms of media – radio, printed newspaper, online newspaper, and a TV channel. The educational sector has many programs and innovations which strengthen the foundation of national development. We are supporting the educational sector in this process."

The Ministry of Education and Training will promptly inform VOV of its policies and activities so that VOV’s reporters will be able to quickly reflect the developments to the public.

