Veteran army doctor composes patriotic folk songs

(VOVWORLD) - Colonel-Doctor Ly Viet Hung has earned a place in the heart of Vietnamese folk music lovers, especially those in the southwestern region, with his many songs about Vietnamese soldiers and revolutionary wars. Now in his 70s, Hung continues to compose songs about his homeland and comradeship in peace time.
Veteran army doctor composes patriotic folk songs - ảnh 1 Ly Viet Hung's songs are often about Vietnamese soldiers and revolutionary wars.

Ly Viet Hung was born in 1950 and raised in the southern province of Ca Mau’s U Minh district. Hung developed a love for Vietnam’s folk music when he was a child by listening to his father’s performance of ‘Đàn Nhị’ or the Vietnamese two-chord fiddle, and his grandfather’s folk music records.

After joining the army’s medical work in 1969 at the age of 17, Hung started writing songs about his comrades which were only played at the army’s amateur musical events at first. He wrote more songs after the war which have been featured on radio stations across Vietnam.

Hung recalled the historical moment on April 30, 1975, when he celebrated Vietnam’s reunification with injured comrades at a makeshift hospital in the Lower U Minh Forest. Such feelings have nurtured his passion to write more songs about Vietnam and its glorious victory over invaders.

“As a soldier, I was overjoyed with Vietnam’s reunification. I wrote several songs about our victory during that historical period, and now that is still a main theme in many of my works,” said Hung.

After the war, Hung was sent to work at Phan Thanh Gian hospital (now Hospital 121) in Can Tho City. Alongside his medical work, Hung keeps composing songs about Vietnam, soldiers, love, and the national renewal period.

In 2001, his folksong album entitled “Homeland and soldiers” was published by Can Tho City’s Union of Arts and Literature Association, featuring many renowned songs in the Mekong Delta region. Through Phuong Nam Film production, Hung also published a CD/VCD titled ‘Homeland and soldiers, Huong Tram’ and a DVD titled ‘Half of the moon’.

“His works have high literary standards. From the structure of the song to the use of lyrics and language, everything is well organized and narrated. It’s much easier for singers to perform and listeners to feel his songs,” Composer Nham Hung, a member of Can Tho City’s Union of Arts and Literature Associations, told VOV.

Vo Hong Thuy, a young artist of Tay Do Theater in Can Tho City, said: “His works about soldiers are filled with love and vivid emotions, never rigid or dry. We’re grateful to soldiers who sacrificed their lives for national independence. As artists in peace time, we’ll  do our best to serve the nation and people.”

Through Hung’s songs, the past will never be forgotten and peace is treasured more than ever. 

“I try to balance the topics of war and peace time to reach a wider audience. I hope to promote this special art form of Vietnam’s folk music to a wider public and future generations,” said Hung.

Ly Viet Hung’s passion for folk music has encouraged him to compose more songs about national liberation, Vietnam’s glorious past, and wishes for Vietnam’s bright future.

