Continue to comprehend the revised 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld) - The 1992 Constitution, which was revised in 2001, will undergo further amendment this year in line with a resolution of the 11th National Party Congress. The initial draft of the revised Constitution will be submitted to the National Assembly later this year. Today, VOV looks at the Constitutional revision process.
Continue to comprehend the revised 1992 Constitution    - ảnh 1
Conference on human right, citizenship rights and duties
in the 1992 constitution

The constitution revising process is conducted on the principle of consensus and centralized democracy while upholding regulations of the 1992 constitution and referring to previous constitutions, which are still applicable. Nguyen Sinh Hung, National Assembly Chairman and Head of the Steering board for revising the constitution, says the revision process respects public opinions. “Revising the constitution is an important task. We have to maintain the Party’s leadership, while collecting the opinions of ordinary people, scientists, and managers. While summarizing and discussing these opinions, we must ensure centralism and democracy.” Hung says.

The revised constitution draft consists of 11 chapters and 140 articles, which uphold the viewpoints, guidelines, and orientation for revising the constitution defined in the resolution of the 11th National Party Congress, and resolutions of the 3rd and 5th session of the 11th Party Central Committee. Nine issues of the constitution will be revised to institutionalize the Platform on building up the country in the transitional period toward socialism, meeting the requirements of the new situation. The revised constitution mentions basic human rights under the law, the power of the state, and respecting human rights toward the universal values. The draft reflects the party’s guidelines and the state’s policy on human right protection. The revised constitution has named functional agencies to exercise the power such as the legislative body, the National Assembly, the executive, the Government, and the judicial, the court. The revised constitution has designed another chapter on independent institutions to specify a supervising mechanism for the implementation of state power, the constitutional Council, national electoral council, and national audits. 

Some issues under discussion are government organization, controlling the rights of authorized government agencies, and citizenship rights such as life, freedom, and ownership. Hoang The Lien, Deputy Minister of Justice says: “Revising the constitution is mainly the work of the Committee for Constitutional Amendment Drafting and relevant agencies. The constitution reflects the will and aspirations of society. Anyone and any organization is free to contribute their ideas. This is a big and important political drive.”

The revised constitution draft will be further adjusted and submitted to the National Assembly in October. After being subjected to public opinion, it will be finalized and submitted to the National Assembly for ratification by the end of next year.    

