Creating momentum for Vietnam’s tourism development

(VOVworld)- Vietnam’s tourism has developed rapidly over the past few years but its potential has not been fully tapped to become a spearhead economic sector. The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee has issued a resolution on strengthening sustainable tourism development.
Creating momentum for Vietnam’s tourism development - ảnh 1
Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan, General Director of the Vietnam Tourism Administration:
Vietnam’s tourism sector over the past 15 years has contributed to economic restructuring, international integration, and promoting Vietnam’s land and people. The Party resolution aims to achieve tourism professionalism, uniform infrastructure, competitiveness improvement.

Vietnam’s tourism hopes to earn 30 billion USD by 2020

Vietnam aims to attract 17 to 20 million foreign tourists and serve 82 million domestic tourists by 2020. The sector is expected to contribute 10% to Vietnam’s GDP, earn 35 billion USD in direct revenue and 20 billion USD from exports via tourism, and generate 4 million jobs. Tourism is targeted to become a spearhead economic sector to enable Vietnam to be one of Southeast Asia’s greenest economies. Nguyen Van Tuan is General Director of the Vietnam Tourism Administration: “The resolution is of great importance. Its targets and comprehensive solutions show Vietnam’s determination to make tourism a spearhead economic sector.”

Creating momentum for Vietnam’s tourism development - ảnh 2
Cathedral in Sa Pa town, Lao Cai province

Carrying out policies

Vietnam’s tourism potential is ranked 24th out of 141 countries but its tourism competitiveness is ranked 75th. The Politburo’s resolution creates an important momentum for the sector. It suggests a number of solutions including changing the mindset on tourism development, restructuring the tourist sector toward sustainable growth and international integration, fine-tuning legislation on tourism development, upgrading infrastructure, continuing to advertise tourism, creating a favorable environment for enterprises and the public to develop tourism, and focusing on human resource training. Mr. Tuan again: “The resolution defines the tourism as an inter-sectoral and inter-regional sector. So, developing tourism is the task of the whole political system at all levels and the whole society, with enterprises and the community playing an important role. It’s important to get all agencies involved in carrying out policies.”

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is expected to complete a draft Government Action Program on tourism development to submit to the Prime Minister in April. The Action Program will describe the tasks and policies to be undertaken by each locality and sector focusing on changing the public mindset on tourism development through communications activities.

