Eternal value of August revolution

(VOVworld) -  67 years ago, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnamese people from north to south rose up for the August revolution to gain power and establish the first worker-farmer state in Southeast Asia. The event ushered in an era of independence and freedom for the Vietnamese nation. The great values of the August revolution remain until now. VOV editor Thu Hoa has more.

Eternal value of  August revolution  - ảnh 1

The August 1945 Revolution was one of the most glorious chapters in the history of the Vietnamese nation. With this victory, the Vietnamese people crushed the yoke of Japanese fascists and French colonialists and eliminating the thousands of years of feudal regime, driving the country to a new era of development: national independence and socialism. Thai Vinh, a veteran revolutionary in Hanoi, told VOV: “The August Revolution was an uprising of the whole nation after 15 years preparations under the leadership of the communist party of Vietnam. This was an exploit of Vietnamese people in the 20th century and marked a great turning not only for the Vietnamese but also for the oppressed nations all over the world.”

French historian Alain Ruscio said that with the August revolution, the Vietnamese nation made a miracle, escaping from slavery to self-determination. The birth the  Democratic Republic of Vietnam encouraged oppressed nations to struggle against imperialism, marking the collapse of imperialism all over the world. Alain Ruscio told VOV:“The victory of the August 1945 Revolution was inevitable and logical in the history of the Vietnamese nation’s struggles. This was a momentous event of the whole nation. Particularly, Vietnam was the first among the French colonies to be successful in its resistance. The victory of the August revolution was influential to the movement for independence of colonized countries in the world, especially in Africa. Then, President Ho Chi Minh played an important role and was the first person to declare independence for a colonized country.” 

This revolution made a deep imprint in the history of national liberation, where the fighting guidelines of the Communist Party of Vietnam coincided with the people’s aspirations. Lieutenant General Pham Hong Cu, former deputy head of the General Political Department of Vietnam’s People’s Army, said: The uprising spirit of the entire population was strong when opportunity came. This revolution helped regained power almost without fire and bloodshed. On August 19th, power was seized in Hanoi and all over Vietnam a week after. It was a great success, which stemmed from Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts about this revolution.”

The August revolution brought about valuable lessons for Vietnam: national independence, socialism and the correct combination of strategic tasks, the mobilization of the whole nation’s strength, the art of uprising, the tactics of seizing opportunities and building a Marxist-Leninist Party with strong political will and close bonds with the people. Professor, Doctor Vu Van Hien, member of the Party Central Committee’s Theoretical Council, elaborates on the significance of the August revolution:“During the revolutionary period, there was a famous banner: “Japan-France fighting with each other and our action.” Understanding well the situation, the Communist Party of Vietnam precisely directed the August revolution. In today’s context, we should look at the development trend; learn about forces, contradictions, advantages and disadvantages in the world. So we can learn from these lessons to solve our pending problems.”

The August revolution was the vivid fruits of people’s aspirations and of the national great unity under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh. Such infinite strengths will forever encourage today’s generations to move forwards.

