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High-speed railway may increase GDP 1%

(VOVWORLD) - The Party Politburo has agreed to invest in a high-speed railway on the North-South axis. The project is expected to boost Vietnam’s economic growth.
High-speed railway may increase GDP 1% - ảnh 1(illustrative photo)

The Party Central Committee has agreed to build a high-speed double-track railway line that can operate at speeds up to 350km/h. The plan aims to realize the Party directions and the Politburo Resolution to strengthen connectivity between regions and growth pillars to create momentum, open up new economic development space, meet transportation demand along the North-South axis, and support socio-economic growth and national defense.

The North-South high-speed railway spans 1,541 kilometers long with a standard track gauge of 1.435 mm. The line will start at Ngoc Hoi station in Hanoi, pass through 20 provinces and cities, and end at Thu Thiem station in Ho Chi Minh City.

Along the route there will be 23 passenger stations with an average distance between them of about 67 kilometers and 5 freight stations connected to freight hubs. The high-speed railway is scheduled to be in operation by 2035.

High-speed railway may increase GDP 1% - ảnh 2Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Danh Huy (photo: baogiaothong.vn)

The estimated cost is 67 billion USD, according to Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Danh Huy. “The government directed the Ministry of Transport to start planning a high-speed railway line in 2005. Now it has become more urgent than ever. The project has been carefully studied and the investment reflects the Party's direction and the national master plan.”

The North-South high-speed railway project is the centerpiece of Vietnam’s railway development, whose aims are a sustainable, modern, passenger-friendly mode of transportation, fewer traffic accidents, less environmental pollution, and a meaningful response to climate change. Due to its importance, the project will be submitted to the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly for approval.

Bui Van Cuong, Secretary General of the National Assembly and Head of the National Assembly Office, said: “The National Assembly will collect opinions and come up with the best plan for successfully implementing the Party Central Committee’s Resolution.”

Calculations suggest that a high-speed railway could add 1% to Vietnam’s annual GDP growth and improve links between regions and growth pillars, creating a new development space for the country.

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