Improved mass mobilization brings the Party closer to the people

(VOVworld) – Reforming and consolidating the Party leadership in mass mobilization in the new era is one of the important issues on the agenda of the on-going 7th Conference of the Party Central Committee in Hanoi.

Improved mass mobilization brings the Party closer to the people - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong presented gifts to Điểu L Winh, Hamlet chief of Bon Bun Đơr, Quang Tam commune, Tuy Duc district, Đak Nong province. (photo: Tri Dung/VNA)

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong says mass mobilization always has a strategic position in the national revolutionary course in any period. In face of current complications, mass mobilization has become more important. Nguyen Van Hung, Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization, says the Party Cemtral Committee’s orientations and specific measures will create a momentum to improve mass mobilization. "The Party’s mass mobilization has an important role and strategic revolutionary task. Enhancing and reforming mass mobilization strengthens the bond between the Party and the people. The conference will identify targets, viewpoints, tasks, and solutions to enhance the Party’s mass mobilization in the new situation." Hung said.

In addition to making policies and mechanisms match reality, it’s essential to revise our approach to mass mobilization. The Party Committees and administration at all levels should mobilize the intelligence of the people by rallying them in a national unity bloc, so each individual will become a volunteer for mass mobilization. It will improve democracy, the interaction between mass mobilization officials, Party members, and the public, and the effectiveness of mass mobilization activities. Pham Thi Nhu Quynh, a lecturer with the Mass Mobilization Faculty of Nghe An province’s Politics School, talks about improving the quality of the mass mobilization staff. "It’s important to focus on the responsibility of officials in serving the people. The staff of the Party Committees and the administration from the central to local levels should be role models in mass mobilization."

Former Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Truong Quang Duoc said that speaking on a par with doing was a lesson about mass mobilization from President Ho Chi Minh and a lodestar in the new situation. Mass mobilization should play a greater role answering people’s concerns about corruption and wastefulness, improving the living standards of workers and farmers, and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and between the rich and the poor. Additionally, mass mobilization should help popularize Party guidelines and Government policies. Mr. Duoc says: "Mobilization involves thoroughly understanding policies and guidelines in order to make them closer to the people and to reality. It’s also essential to understand the lives and feelings of people in all walks of life."

The ultimate goal of increasing and renovating party leadership in mobilization work in the new phase of development is to consolidate the people’s trust in the Party, strengthening national unity and the bonds between the Party and the people. This will enhance the people’s strength and create widespread public movements in modernizing and industrializing the nation.

Giang Nam

