John Kerry’s tour affirms US strategic interests in Asia

(VOVworld) – This week, US Secretary of State John Kerry began a tour of China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan. Although it’s not Kerry’s first overseas trip since he replaced Hillary Clinton, statements made before the trip reveal that a strategic interest in Asia is a major part of the Obama’s  administration's reset foreign policy. VOV’s Hồng Vân comments …

John Kerry’s tour affirms US strategic interests in Asia  - ảnh 1
John Kerry is making his first visit to East Asia as U.S secretary of state (Photo: AP)

John Kerry’s Asia tour is evidence of the sincerity of his previous assurance to Australia’s Foreign Minister, Bob Carr that the US will resolutely pursue the rebalancing policy in Asia begun by his predecessor, Hillary Clinton. Carr visited Washington in March. Kerry will visit the Republic of Korea, Japan, and China after attending a 2-day meeting of the G8’s Ministers in London. The trip will underscore the Obama administration’s commitment to defending US security, economic, and strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region, according to State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. Ms Nuland said Kerry’s agenda will include bilateral, multilateral, and regional issues as well as economic cooperation, and the environment. Pyongyang’s nuclear tests and the current escalating tension on the Korean peninsula will also be top priorities for discussion. Pyongyang has made non-stop threats against Washington and Seoul and the US has sent state-of-the-art weapons to the Republic of Korea for military exercises. Prior to his trip, Kerry said that the US will do whatever is necessary to protect itself and its allies – the RoK and Japan.  

Last Saturday, Japan issued an annual report on its foreign policy, known as the Diplomatic Green Book, which underlines the importance of Japan-US security relations to the stability of the Asia-Pacific region. The report calls the Japan–US ties a rock in a region where security is unraveling due to military buildups and maritime territorial disputes. The report says that Japan will seek cooperation with other countries including the US, to pressure North Korea into complying with UN Security Council resolutions and agreements reached in 6-party talks.

The US’ renewed focus on Asia faces some unfavorable conditions. Budget cuts in the US have raised doubts about the feasibility of the targets set in the US foreign policy. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says he wants to review US strategy in light of the current budget.

Two months after this trip, Kerry will return to Asia to attend a June meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers in Brunei and visit a number of ASEAN members. The visits to Asia confirm that Asia, now the most dynamic region in the world, is a crucial part of the Obama’s administration’s foreign policy.

Hong Van

