New milestones in Vietnam-Thailand relations

(VOVworld) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visit to Thailand is an important milestone in Vietnam’s external relations this year. The visit has lifted bilateral relations to a new level based on the friendly and reliable relations and mutual understanding.

New milestones in Vietnam-Thailand relations  - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong arrived in Bangkok for an official visit to Thailand on Jun 25

Thailand and Vietnam are two Southeast Asian nations sharing many cultural similarities. The two countries are working hard with other ASEAN member countries to build a peaceful, stable, and prosperous ASEAN. This is an important foundation to boost bilateral relations toward a brighter prospect for each nation and the region as a whole.

Since diplomatic relations were established in 1976, bilateral ties have progressed in various fields. Political relations have been enforced through high-level reciprocal visits. Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Sinawatra visited Vietnam in November, 2011 and October, 2012. Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung visited Thailand in December 2012. The two countries organized various activities to celebrate the 35th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2011.  In October 2012, they resumed the 2nd Vietnamese-Thai Joint Cabinet Retreat in Hanoi. Most of the successes are recorded in investment and trade cooperation. The two countries have expanded cooperation in producing and exporting rice, oil and gas, transport, and finance. Thailand is now the 10th biggest investor in Vietnam with 300 projects whose worth totals 6 billion USD. Vietnam is Thailand’s second biggest trade partner in ASEAN and the 9th globally. Last year’s two-way trade turnover reached 9 billion USD. At the 1st Meeting of the Vietnam – Thailand Joint Committee on Trade, both sides agreed to raise trade turnover by 20% per year to 15 billion USD in 2020. The two sides committed to maintaining the rice exporting cooperative mechanism, boost trade collaboration, and exploit the East-West transport corridor. Thailand attaches importance to enhancing cooperation with Vietnam at regional and international forums such as ASEAN, the Greater Mekong Sub-region, the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum.

Bilateral cooperation on security, national defense, education, culture, sports, and tourism has progressed positively as well. Thailand supports the teaching of Thai language at some Vietnamese universities and organizes short training courses for Vietnamese officials on key contents of bilateral cooperation program. Thailand backs the establishment of the Vietnamese Language and Education Center in the country and proposes to open Thai Study Centers at Vietnamese universities. Memorial complexes for President Ho Chi Minh were built in Udon Thani and Nakhon Phanom, where he lived and worked as a revolutionary for national salvation.

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Thailand aims to undertake external relations affairs for more proactive and deeper international integration. It illustrates Vietnam’s policy of respecting and giving high priority to enhancing relations with neighboring countries. Vietnam pledges to be a responsible and pro-active member in ASEAN and is committed to working with Thailand and other ASEAN members to build a united, cohesive, and strong ASEAN for a peaceful, friendly, cooperative, and developed Southeast Asia. The Party leader will hold talks and meet with Thai leaders to exchange measures to boost bilateral relations and ideas on regional and international issues. The two sides will be releasing a joint-statement to officially form the Vietnam-Thailand strategic partnership. Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong will also meet with leaders of political parties in Thailand to reinforce their relations with the Communist Party of Vietnam.  

Vu Duy

