Reformed, democratic, effective NA meeting

(VOVworld) - The 4th session of the 13th NA wrapped up on Friday after nearly 1 month of meeting. The NA deputies approved a number of laws and resolutions relating to the orientations and roadmap for national socio-economic development, defense and security, and diplomacy. The session took place in a reformed, democratic, and effective atmosphere.

Reformed, democratic, effective NA meeting - ảnh 1
NA chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung

The NA passed 9 draft laws including the revised law on Anti-corruption, the Capital Law, and the revised Personal Income Tax. Two important resolutions were adopted, including a resolution on votes of confidence on officials elected or appointed by the NA or by People’s Councils and a resolution on holding a referendum on 1992 Constitution amendments. The NA debated 6 draft laws which will be revised and approved in the next meetings. Nguyen Hanh Phuc, Chairman of the NA Office, says the session succeeded in many aspects.

"The discussions took place in a frank and democratic atmosphere. The deputies proposed constructive ideas to improve the government’s performance. The NA approved a resolution on votes of confidence on officials elected or appointed by the NA or by People’s Councils. It aims to monitor the deputies and force them to be more accountable before the Party and people," Phuc elaborates.

A new part of this session was the government’s report its the implementation of issues raised at the previous Q&A sessions. This is the first time the government presented a detail report on how the cabinet members’ had realized their promise. On behalf of the Government, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung frankly mentioned what the Government had and hadn’t done.

In the previous sessions, the report on anti-corruption work was delivered to NA deputies. But in this session, the Government read the report in the opening session. Voters nationwide highly appreciated this new activity which is expected to make remarkable changes in anti-corruption work in the future.

The deputies debated the revised 1992 Constitution and approved a resolution on holding a referendum on the Constitution amendments. The draft Constitution amendments will be submitted to the NA 6th session next October. NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu says the final version of the Constitution will help improve the administrative apparatus.

"The Constitution amendments aim to meet national sustainable development in the new period. The revised constitution defines that the State power belongs to the people and is based on the alliance of the working class, peasantry and intelligentsia under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The revision fully promotes and highlights the role of human. It confirms that the State always protect human rights and care for the happiness and free development of every individuals,” Luu says.

Communications of the NA meeting has been improved. 13 sessions were broadcast live on radio and television. The NA spent much of its time for socio-economic solutions and approved basic targets for next year including a GDP growth rate of 5.5%, inflation at 7-8%, and 1.6 million more jobs.

The deputies promoted their responsibility and wisdom for law making and supervisory activities. It showed the Party and people’s determination to reform NA activities to meet the people’s expectation and contribute to the national renewal process for a prosperous people, powerful nation, and democratic, equal, and civilized society.

Ngoc Anh

