Resources focused on economic recovery

(VOVWORLD) - Addressing the 2nd session of the 15th National Assembly on Wednesday, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh reviewed Vietnam’s major accomplishments, particularly COVID-19 prevention and control. He set out key socio-economic development goals for next year and proposed solutions to recover the economy and maintain growth momentum.
Resources focused on economic recovery - ảnh 1The National Assembly meeting hall (Photo: VNA)

Prime Minister Chinh said the 4th wave of COVID-19 pandemic with the Delta variant broke out in many localities across Vietnam. It has deeply affected all socio-economic aspects, forcing Vietnam to apply strong, unprecedented measures to protect human health and lives.  

COVID-19 prevention and control is the top priority

Prime Minister Chinh said COVID-19 prevention and control has been the government’s top priority. The entire political system and people have been involved, upholding good practices, and adopting new measures to closely follow the situation and coronavirus mutation. After the National Committee for Pandemic Prevention and Control was consolidated, it mobilized 300,000 cadres, military servicemen, policemen, doctors, and medical staff to support localities during the social distancing and lockdown period. Vaccine diplomacy has been promoted and Vietnam’s biggest-ever vaccination drive has been underway.

Prime Minister Chinh said: “We have done our best within our capability. The Party Central Committee determined that ‘the guidelines, policies, and measures implemented in the past were correct and timely; and direction and implementation have been quick and decisive.’ The pandemic has been basically controlled nationwide. Many localities are on the path of safe and flexible adaptation and effective pandemic containment. During this most difficult and challenging time of pandemic, national unity has been maintained and many role models have appeared and noble deeds that have moved people's hearts.”

Long-term growth momentum must not weaken

Resources focused on economic recovery - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh addresses the NA meeting. (Photo: VGP)

Prime Minister Chinh said that due to COVID-19, four of 12 socio-economic targets this year will not be reached, the economy’s resilience has declined, the number of workers out of work has increased, and many enterprises are suspended or shutting down permanently.

The Prime Minister said in the final months of this year, the government will concentrate resources on the COVID-19 fight. There will be a road-map for safely and flexibly adapting to the situation, effectively containing the pandemic nationwide, and speeding economic recovery. Practical policies and mechanisms will be implemented to help individuals and businesses.

Mr. Chinh said: “We’ll continue to safely and flexibly adapt to and effectively contain COVID-19, protect people’s health and lives, focus resources, and take responsibility for stimulating the economy through coordinated measures. Efforts will be made to stabilize the macro-economy, control inflation, ensure economic balance, and improve the economy’s reliance. Construction of infrastructure will be expanded, human resources will be improved, and technological advancement will be exploited.”

The Prime Minister set out 16 targets for 2022, including GDP growth 6-6.5% and a Consumer Price Index increase of 4% or less. Achieving these targets will involve 12 key tasks, including containing the pandemic, recovering the economy, consolidating institutions, removing obstacles, reforming administrative procedures, and improving the business investment environment. Vietnam will continue with more effective restructuring of the economy combined with growth model reform and improvement of productivity quality and competitiveness.

“Vietnam will resolutely defend its national independence and sovereignty and maintain a peaceful, stable environment for national development. Diplomatic activities and global integration will be implemented systemically, effectively, and actively to strengthen Vietnam’s status and prestige internationally. Diplomatic activities will be expanded to deepen bilateral ties with partners, strengthen political trust, combine interests, and harmonize relations with big countries,” said Mr. Chinh.

High-level diplomatic exchanges will be enhanced to exploit strategic, comprehensive partnerships, and free trade agreements. It’s necessary to improve information, cultural diplomacy, and overseas Vietnamese affairs.

Prime Minister Chinh said that with great national unity and public trust in the Party’s leadership, Vietnam will surely push back the pandemic, recover the socio-economy, and advance in national reform and global integration.


