Revising 1992 Constitution to meet people’s aspiration

(VOVworld) – After being amended and put to a public referendum, the revised 1992 Constitution has been presented to the deputies for discussion at the on-going 6th session of the 13th National Assembly. The deputies have paid much attention to Vietnam’s system, land eviction, human rights, and the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens.

Revising 1992 Constitution to meet people’s aspiration - ảnh 1
"The public is wary of land eviction for socio-economic development projects", said Le Nam, a NA deputy from Thanh Hoa province

Respecting, protecting human rights

Human rights and the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens are considered important under Vietnamese law. Many deputies say the revised 1992 Constitution contains many new and progressive provisions, matching international conventions on human rights to which Vietnam is a signatory. Regulations regarding human rights and citizen rights reflect Vietnam’s current reality and reveal a consistent policy by the Party and State of respecting, ensuring and protecting human rights and basic citizen rights. Tran Thi Quoc Khanh is a National Assembly deputy from Hanoi. "We discuss every right in detail. The Constitution has clearly defined rights that will be strictly regulated by law." 

Confirming role of State economy

Many opinions said the State’s role in guiding and regulating the state economy is an important factor in Vietnam’s market economy. It illustrates the economic infrastructure of the socialist regime in Vietnam. The Constitution must make clearer the key role of the State and the state economy. Nguyen Hong Son is another deputy from Hanoi. "The Constitution should stipulate that Vietnam’s economy is a market economy under the State’s orientation, management, and regulation with many forms of ownership and economic sectors. The State economy includes the state budget, the national reserve, and all national resources, state assets, and state-owned enterprises."

Land eviction guarantees fairness, transparency, and compensation

Many opinions said land use is an important right and the Constitution should carefully stipulate acquisition cases. This is an important foundation of the Land Law to avoid massive eviction which harms the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Land acquisition is essential for national development, national defense and security, and socio-economic development. Land acquisition for socio-economic development projects is associated with the interests of land users and enterprises so it’s crucial to have careful regulation to guarantee fairness, transparency, and compensation. Le Nam is a deputy from Thanh Hoa province. "Land acquisition is a necessity but the public is wary of land acquisition for socio-economic development projects. The Constitution stipulates land acquisition but has no specific mechanism to manage and ensure the process of acquiring land, the vital production resource of many people. If these problems are addressed, voters’ concerns will be resolved."

The economic system, land acquisition, human rights, and the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens are just a few of the revisions being discussed at the on-going 6th session of the 13th National Assembly. The deputies will continue to debate these key issues in the coming days so a revised Constitution can be approved by the end of the session, which ensures democracy and meets people’s aspirations.



