Vietnam, ASEAN ensure social security for industrial revolution 4.0

(VOVWORLD) - ASEAN’s social security system has begun a new period geared to the 4th industrial revolution and the free migration of labor. It requires ASEAN and Vietnam to approach the issue of social security with a long-term vision and close cooperation.
Vietnam, ASEAN ensure social security for industrial revolution 4.0 - ảnh 1

The 4th industrial revolution has brought big opportunities and challenges to the world. Making the most of the opportunities will be the biggest challenge.

Sharing, cooperating to overcome obstacles
Experts say that in the next 2 decades, 56% of the workers in ASEAN will face a higher risk of unemployment. Jens Schremmer, of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), said the digital economy has disrupted traditional employment and widened gaps in social security coverage, database security, and cyber security. ASEAN governments and social organizations are sharing their solutions. Suradej Waleeittikul, Secretary General of Thailand’s Social Security Association, recommends: “Social mobility requires governments to have policies to ensure workers’ rights, particular migrant workers. There will be a lot of challenges in the future and we should share information to reach ASEAN community goals.”
Vietnam’s effort
Vietnam’s workforce is projected to grow from 56 million people in 2016 to 62 million people in 2025. The economy will need to generate 650,000 jobs annually and re structure labor. But skilled workers fall short of market demand and are not balanced between sectors.
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam said: “The focal task is human resource development. We have discussed training, recognition of certificates regionally and globally, and the role of the state, the business community, social organizations, and workers. We need to fundamentally reform the training system and make sure workers realize they need to improve their skills.”
Social security, particularly social and unemployment insurance, must be more effective in helping unemployed people learn new skills. Deputy Finance Minister and General Director of Vietnam Insurance, Nguyen Thi Minh, said: “The Party Central Committee has approved a resolution to reform social insurance policies. The government has created an action program and established a National Committee on E-government. We’ll contribute ideas to the Party’s resolution and the government’s program to help build insurance policies for everyone.”
Social security policies support human development, foster social equality and advancement, and improve people’s living conditions. ASEAN countries have implemented people-centered policies to ensure that no one is left behind.

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