Vietnam responds to World Water Day

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nation has selected the theme “Groundwater: making the invisible visible” for World Water Day 2022. The event calls on the global community to protect and sustainably use groundwater resources to adapt to climate change and meet the needs of a growing population. Vietnam has launched a number of activities in response to World Water Day. 
Vietnam responds to World Water Day - ảnh 1The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment launches a national movement to respond to World Water Day (March 22), World Meteorology Day (March 23), and Earth Hour (March 26). (photo:

Every year World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. This year’s World Water Day focuses on the role of groundwater in the water system, sanitation, agro-industrial water usage, the ecosystem, and climate change adaptation. The overarching message is that the exploration, protection, and sustainable use of groundwater is crucial to surviving, adapting to climate change, and meeting the needs of a growing population.

On Wednesday the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will launch a national movement to respond to World Water Day (March 22), World Meteorology Day (March 23), and Earth Hour (March 26).

Ministries, sectors, and organizations will organize activities to promote these events, such as hanging posters and banners and organizing seminars and talks on groundwater, natural disaster forecasting and prevention, and climate change response. Projects and works related to water resources, biodiversity protection, environmental protection, meteorology, natural disaster prevention, and climate change will be implemented.

Functional agencies are working on a national survey of water resources to make sure that total exploitation volume does not exceed underground water reserves and safe exploitation limits. Localities will commend and reward achievements by collectives and individuals in effectively managing, protecting, and using water resources.
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