Vietnam, US establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation, development

(VOVWORLD) - On Sunday, during President Joe Biden’s State visit to Vietnam from September 10 to 11, Vietnam and the US issued a joint statement elevating Vietnam-US ties to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. At a joint press conference after their talks, Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and US President Joe Biden affirmed that the elevation of bilateral ties to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership is for peace, cooperation, and sustainable development of the two countries.
Vietnam, US establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation, development - ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong hosts a ceremony to welcome US President Joe Biden on a State visit to Vietnam (Photo: VOV)

Vietnamese Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said Vietnam-US relations have made mighty strides since the two countries' normalization and comprehensive partnership were established. On that basis, for the benefit of the two countries’ people and the wish to strengthen cooperation in the new era, the two leaders adopted a Joint Statement on establishing a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation and sustainable development.

Principles of Vietnam-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Mr. Trong said the partnership continues to be based on respect for the fundamental principles guiding the bilateral relationship, for the United Nations Charter, for international law, and for each other’s political institutions, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said: "We emphasized that understanding each other and each other's situation, respecting each other's legitimate interests, and not interfering in each other's internal affairs are always important. Vietnam treasures the US's promise to support a “strong, independent, self-reliant, and prosperous” Vietnam. The new partnership inherits existing cooperation between the two countries, and will take it to a higher level by promoting economic, trade, and investment cooperation in which renovation  is the foundation, focal point, and motivation for bilateral relations, and the enhancement of cooperation in science-technology is a new breakthrough of the Vietnam-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation and sustainable development."

Party leader Trong said that since Vietnam regained independence, it has promoted relations with the US and other international partners in the spirit outlined by President Ho Chi Minh, which is that Vietnam be a friend to all countries. President Ho Chi Minh affirmed Vietnam's complete independence and Vietnam's willingness to fully cooperate with the US.

According to Mr. Trong, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam adopted a policy of strengthening and deepening bilateral cooperative relations in a consistent foreign policy framework of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation, development, diversification, and multilateralization of external relations. Vietnam is a friend, a trustworthy partner, and an active and responsible member of the international community.

Opening a new chapter in Vietnam-US relations

President Biden said: "Today we can trace a 50-year arc of progress in the relationship between our nations — from conflict to normalization to this new elevated status that will be a force for prosperity and security in one of the most consequential regions in the world. We are evolving our partnership directly to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, Vietnam’s highest tier of partnership. And we’re excited about that -- a critical step for our nations that reflects the strength of our relationship as we take on the challenges that matter most to the future of our region and, quite frankly, to the world."      

According to President Biden, Vietnam and the US are deepening their cooperation on critical and emerging technologies, particularly on building a more resilient semiconductor supply chain, and expanding their economic partnership, spurring even greater trade and investment between the two.

Vietnam and the US are welcoming important new deals during this visit, said Biden, adding that the two are working to tackle the climate crisis, accelerate Vietnam’s clean energy transition, strengthen global health security, enhance health care and security cooperation, promote people-to-people exchanges, and foster education exchanges between Vietnam and the US.

He said he is incredibly proud of how the two countries and peoples have built trust and understanding over the decades to establish the Vietnam-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. He said it’s work that they pledge today to continue — clearing unexploded ordnance, remediating environmental damage from dioxin, expanding support for people with disabilities, and accounting for every American service member still missing in action in Vietnam as well as the fallen or missing Vietnam soldiers from the war.

Biden said the two countries are forging new legacies, one of shared peace and prosperity, a testament to the resilience and spirit of both peoples. It’s a powerful reminder, he said, of all we can accomplish when we’re able to transcend the pain of the past and embrace a future of progress, one grounded on the unity of our people. Vietnam is a critical power in the world and a bellwether for this vital region, and President Biden said he looks forward to continuing this new chapter in the story of the two nations.

