Vietnam-France friendship “ship” docks successfully

(VOVworld) - Speaking at the French Institute of International Relations in Paris on September 24, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said the “ship” of the Vietnam-France ties has reached the shore of friendship and successful cooperation with the establishment of the Vietnam-France strategic partnership.

During his official visit to France, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung visited and delivered an important speech at the French Institute of International Relations in Paris on September 24. Talking to prestigious politicians, scholars, and researchers, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung used the image of a sailing ship to describe the Vietnam-France relationship over the years – it has weathered storms and waves but has never sunk. He said he believes the ship will successfully reach the shore.

Vietnam-France friendship “ship” docks successfully - ảnh 1
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (L) said a strategic partnership between Vietnam and France will help promote Asia-Europe connectivity (Photo:VGP)
A model of East-West cooperation

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said over the past 40 years, with effort from both sides based on equality, and mutual respect, the Vietnam-France relations have obtained important results. The warm relationship illustrates in many high-level meetings and regular exchanges between sectors, localities, and social organizations of the two countries. Vietnam and France signed various important agreements, establish and effectively maintain dialogue mechanisms, and boost economic, defense, security, and cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchange. The two countries have become important partners in various areas at different levels ad effectively collaborated with each other in regional and international forums. The Vietnam – France relationship has become a model of the East-West cooperation between France, a top industrial nation in the EU, and Vietnam, a dynamically developing nation in Asia.

Mr. Dung affirmed that the Vietnam-France strategic partnership shows the maturity of bilateral ties in all areas at all levels. The strategic partnership will open up a new chapter of a mutually respectful and trustworthy relationship and comprehensive cooperation in all realms for mutual benefit and for peace and prosperity of the two peoples.

In order to achieve the targets, Mr. Dung said the two countries have to cooperate with a new way of thinking and working. First of all, it’s necessary to concentrate on key cooperative areas of politics-diplomacy, national defense-security, economies, development cooperation, culture, education, scientific research, and legislation in bilateral and global forums.

Mr. Dung said the two countries should increase high-level meetings to reach consensus on strategic issues, paving the way for reinforcing dialogue mechanisms and cooperation in energy, the aviation and aerospace industry, agriculture, transport, and banking. Prime Minister Dung said it’s necessary to give high priority to education cooperation to benefit future generations and consider people-to-people cultural exchange a firm, long-term foundation for the Vietnam-France strategic partnership to flourish.

A new bridge in Asia-Europe cooperation

Amidst the global integration and interlacing international relations, Prime Minter Dung expressed his hope that the Vietnam-France strategic partnership to become a bridge to develop Asia-Europe cooperation. It will boost cooperation between the two big economies and generate momentum for global development. In the context of fierce competition over strategic interests, building a strategic trust has become a must. The Vietnam-France strategic partnership should be promoted to create massive impacts in building an environment of peace, cooperation, and development in Asia and Europe. The relations should be strong to prevent unilateral and intentional intervention, inequality, display of unilateral strength, unjust requirements, and acts against international law for peace, security, cooperation, and prosperity in the world.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Dung repeated that he is pleased at the establishment of strategic partnership but underlined that it’s just the beginning. He said regardless of various opportunities and challenges ahead, with strong determination, the two countries definitely will find appropriate and creative measures to promote the Vietnam-France strategic partnership to benefit their people and good relations among countries in the world.

France is Vietnam’s second largest investor and third largest trade partner in the EU and one of Vietnam’s top ODA donors. More than 300 French companies and banks are doing business in Vietnam. French high quality commodities and services are favored in Vietnam. Almost all aircraft in Vietnam Airlines’ fleet are Airbus.

Over 7,000 Vietnamese students and post-graduates are studying in France. Nearly 20 French cities and localities have established partnership with Vietnamese cities and provinces, whose have jointly run 70 projects in culture, French language, education, research, environment and hygiene, urbanization, rural economic development and healthcare.
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