Vietnam-Laos friendship in the new period

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and Laos celebrate their 35th anniversary of the signing of the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty on July 18th. The treaty reflects the two countries’ determination to uphold the traditional friendship nurtured by Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh and Laotian President Kayson Phomvihan. The treaty turned a military alliance into a comprehensive cooperation pact between the 2 sovereign nations. VOV editor Huong Giang has more:

Vietnam-Laos friendship in the new period - ảnh 1
Poliburo member Le Hong Anh is received by Lao PM Thongsing Thammavong

President Kayson Phomvihan said: “In the world’s revolutionary history there are many shining examples of the international proletariat spirit, but nowhere has there been a special solidarity and fighting alliance like that of Vietnam and Laos.” This was a relationship between comrades-in-arms who shared bitterness and sweetness on the road national liberation. Since Vietnam’s unification and the establishment of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 1975, Vietnam-Laos ties have entered a new period of special friendship, solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation, which culminated in the signing of the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty on July 18th 1977. Talking with a VOV reporter, Lao Party General Secretary and President Chummaly Sayason once again confirms the eternal bond between the two countries: “This relationship is vividly reflected in all areas and has become more significant in the context of current global and regional relations. Both countries need to co-develop. We consider Vietnam’s prosperity our own. We are neighboring countries, which the same border, mountain and river. We inherit the traditional solidarity created by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Kayson Phonvihan.”

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The Friendship and Cooperation Treaty was signed in 1977, when a revolution of science and technology was underway in the world. The treaty laid a foundation for both countries to expand cooperation in all areas from politics, national defence, security and external relations to economics, trade, investment and education and training. Vietnam and Laos regularly exchange experiences and activities within the UN, ASEAN and between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Over the past 35 years, their economic cooperation has played a central role. With a total capital of 3.45 billion USD, Vietnam is one of the 3 leading investors of the 52 countries and territories invested in Laos. Ta Minh Chau, the Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos, told VOV: “Vietnam’s investment in Laos focuses on agriculture, forestry, including wood processing. Other areas such as finance and banking have seen major development. There are now 3 major Vietnamese banks in Laos. Though telecommunications came late, companies like Viettel have established a foothold in Laos. We also cooperate in hydro-power, mining and services.”

Vietnam and Laos have been cooperating in security, national defence, and education and training. Over the past decade, Vietnam has helped Laos train more than 12,000 personnel.

2012 marks the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 35th anniversary of the signing the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty. On this occasion, both sides have reaffirmed the priority of consolidating their relationship, calling it a priceless asset for future generations. At a meeting in Son La province in April, Laos National Assembly Chairman Pany Yathotu said: “Although the international and regional situation is complicated, the special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos continue to be nurtured and flourish for the prosperity and happiness of the 2 nations. We are committed to joining our Vietnamese comrades in maintaining this relationship forever.”


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