Vote of confidence – reforming activities of People’s Councils

(VOVworld) – One month after the 5th session of the 13th National Assembly conducted votes of confidence on 47 officials elected or approved by the National Assembly, People’s Councils at all levels and local power agencies began to follow suit. This is an innovation in local people’s agencies to promote their right to oversight of officials elected by the People’s Councils.

Vote of confidence – reforming activities of People’s Councils  - ảnh 1
The Chairwoman of the People's Council and Chairman of the People's Committee cast their votes of confidence on July 4

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung sent a letter to People’s Councils of centrally-run provinces and cities saying that conducting votes of confidence is an important part of the Party and State guideline for reforming agencies elected by the people.

Representing the people’s will, aspiration, and right of mastery, the People’s Councils at all levels will conduct a vote of confidence on officials that they elect including Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the People’s Councils, and People’s Committees. This is the first-ever vote of confidence for the People’s Councils, which have received special directions to ensure its success. Ngo Thi Doan Thanh is Chairwoman of Hanoi’s People’s Council. "The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Council has done its utmost to provide members of the People’s Council a report on the performance of each person subjected to a vote of confidence and the implementation of the city’s socio-economic, social order, and defense tasks. The result of the vote of confidence depends on many factors."

The vote of confidence evaluates two criteria - leadership and morality. The public considers this a practical way to promote democracy and create a channel to supervise and assess officials impartially and accuracy. Nguyen Minh Tuan, President of Quang Ngai province’s Fatherland Front, says voters expect members of the People’s Councils to heighten their political responsibility so the vote of confidence will take place in the necessary manner. The result will create a contingent of leaders who are professional and have high moral, integrity, and are resolutely determined to combat corruption and wastefulness. Voter Bui Cong Duyet of the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum talked about the outcomes of the local referendums. "The preparations were thorough, impartial, and objective. The referendums show the responsibility of the members of the People’s Councils we elected. The key officials realize their responsibility to better fulfill their tasks in the future."

The results of the vote of confidence are the basis for categorizing, evaluating, and appointing officials. Le Hoang Duc, Vice Chairman of Dong Thap province’s People’s Council, talked about the outcome of the referendum on 14 officials elected by the People’s Council. "The vote of confidence helped the officials subjected to the referendum to clearly see the voters’ confidence in them. Those who have a high level of confidence should continue their efforts. Those who have a low level of confidence should strive to work harder."

The National Assembly’s resolution decrees that from now on a vote of confidence will be conducted regularly by the People’s Councils. Although this is a new task, with thorough preparations, successful implementation will improve the administration’s performance and reinforce social unity and consensus in carrying out socio-economic development targets.

Hong Van    

