Golden fields of grain

(VOV) - Traveling 80km from Lao Cai city near the northern border in late September, you will have the chance to see the stunning terraced fields turning yellow in Y Ty commune of Bat Xat district.

At nearly 2,000m above sea level, the commune is usually shrouded in mist all year round. However, at this time of year, it suddenly brightens up with the ripening rice.

The rice cultivation around the hills has been practised by local people for generations as a unique method of farming in the northwestern region.

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 1
Curving terraces turning yellow

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 2

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 3
The whole valley changes colour

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 4
Harvest time

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 5

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 6
Human beings dwarfed by the sea of grain

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 7

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 8

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 9
Square houses with pyramid roofs are characteristic of Ha Nhi ethnic people

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 10

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 11
Amazingly beautiful landscape

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 12
This small stream provides water for rice fields

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 13
Rice plants laden with grain

Golden fields of grain - ảnh 14
A yellow sea of grain

