20th anniversary of summer volunteer campaign

20th anniversary of summer volunteer campaign - ảnh 1
Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Municipal Party Committee Le Thanh Hai and young volunteers. Photo: Tuoi tre

(VOVworld) – 2000 young volunteers gathered Monday on the 20th anniversary of the summer volunteer youth campaign in Ho Chi Minh city. Addressing the ceremony, Le Thanh Hai, a member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Municipal Party Committee, expressed his appreciation of the summer volunteer campaigns organized by Ho Chi Minh city’s youth union and youth federation over the past 20 years. Hai said those activities inherit and maximize the Vietnamese tradition of patriotism and volunteering. He said he hopes city youth will continue to sympathize with and support people in disadvantaged regions. On this occasion, 15 subsidiaries of the Ho Chi Minh city's youth union received Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister.

