2.4 million USD for education initiatives for ethnic minorities

(VOVworld) - The Committee for Ethnic Affairs on Monday organized a consultation workshop in Can Tho to guide the implementation of the Prime Minister’s directives on ethnic affairs and the Action Plan implementing the national education strategy towards 2020.

2.4 million USD for education initiatives for ethnic minorities - ảnh 1
2.4 million USD  are expected to be invested in education for ethnic students.
 (Photo: baodientu.chinhphu.vn)

Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs Son Minh Thang, said the national strategy towards 2020 with 9 missions and major solutions focus on the development of education and training and improving the quality of human resources for ethnic minorities. Approximately 2.4 million USD are expected to be spent on programs, policies, and projects in the field of education for ethnic minorities. Other solutions are boosting the poverty reduction activities associated with social welfare policies and national unity. 

