3.5 billion USD allocated for supporting employees and employers

(VOVWORLD) - The central government and localities have to date spent more than 3.5 billion USD to support over 728,000 employers and over 49 million employees and other target groups to overcome Covid-19 difficulties.

3.5 billion USD allocated for supporting employees and employers - ảnh 1

According to a report by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, 346,000 employers and 12 million employees have received relief aid of 1.6 billion USD from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

National Salary Council on Tuesday agreed to submit to the government for consideration an increase in the regional minimum wage by 6% from July 1, 2022, which the council views as essential for improving the quality of life for employees.

The National Assembly Standing Committee on March 23 adopted a resolution on overtime hours of employees in a month and in a year, which  increases the monthly overtime cap of a worker from 40 to 60 hours and the annual cap for overtime from 200 hours to 300 hours.
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