6th plenum of Party Central Committee

(VOV/VOVworld)- On Tuesday, the 6th plenum of the Party Central Committee discussed this year’s economy and next year’s state budget estimates. Also high on the agenda were restructuring and improving the efficiency of State-run enterprises, legal policies on land, and scientific and technological development. The meeting also focused on plans for the Party Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat, titles for senior Party and State positions, Politburo and Secretariat reports on criticism and self-criticism, Party building among other issues.

6th plenum of Party Central Committee - ảnh 1

At the opening of the plenum yesterday, Party leader Trong highlighted the plenum’s importance. Mr Trong said the Party Central Committee’s 4th plenum resolution on issues related to Party building is being implemented properly, and the Politburo and Secretariat have monitored collectives and individuals carrying out the resolution. In regard to the plan of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Party Secretariat and the titles of senior Party and State positions, Mr. Trong said the meeting will comment on purposes, requirements, viewpoints, regulations, guidelines and contents. "The contents of personnel planning for the Party Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat and titles of senior Party and State positions include the requirements and criteria for each specific title, the age groups eligible for the plan, the number, structure, and criteria for choosing candidates, the process of detecting, introducing, selecting and deciding resources for the plan, and management and implementation. After the Party Central Committee reaches a consensus on these key issues and the Party Central Committee’s Executive Board issues a related Resolution, the Politburo will instruct the building of specific planning for the Party Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat and key Party and State positions for 2016 – 2011 tenure and following tenures", said Mr. Trong.

The 6th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee will continue through October 15.

