90 years of Vietnamese revolutionary press

(VOVworld) – A seminar entitled “90 years of Vietnamese revolutionary press: tradition, spirit, and responsibility” was held in Hanoi to mark the 90th anniversary of Vietnam’s press.

90 years of Vietnamese revolutionary press - ảnh 1
The seminar marks the 90th anniversary of Vietnam's Revolutionary Press Day on June 21.

With the rapid development of 4 media platforms, the press has played an important part in national reform. The press identifies and combats corruption, wastefulness, and social phenomena, gets involved in supervisory work and policy criticism, and promotes people’s rights.

The press also fights for the national sovereignty of the sea and islands, corrects distorted, hostile, and reactionary information, thus strengthening people’s trust in the Party, State, and socialism. The press is a reliable forum for the people.  

Speeches at the seminar underscored the role of journalists and the need to improve their political awareness and code of ethics. They also suggested measures to improve the quality of journalism.

