Accidental airstrike at milk factory kills 37 in Yemen

(VOVworld) – A nighttime airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition mistook its target and hit a dairy factory in Yemen's western port city of al-Hodyada, killing 37 people. A government official said Wednesday that the strike injured 81 and destroyed a large area.

 Accidental airstrike at milk factory kills 37 in Yemen  - ảnh 1
Smoke rises from a milk factory hit by an air strike in Yemen's western port city of al-Hodyada on April 1, 2015.
(Photo: Reuters)

According to local medical sources, the casualty count may rise. Many people were burned or seriously injured.

People living nearby said the al-Hodyada milk factory lies close to a military base controlled by former President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s supporters.

The attack has caused the biggest civilian loss since the Saudi-led coalition launched its military campaign against Shiite Houthi rebels.

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