Activities to mark the Public Security sector’s 70th anniversary

Activities to mark the Public Security sector’s 70th anniversary - ảnh 1
Major General Nguyen Chi Thanh, head of HCMC Public Security addresses the ceremony. Photo:
(VOVworld) – Activities are underway across Vietnam to mark the 70th traditional day of the Public Security sector on August 19th and the 10th anniversary of the “All people protect national security” festival. A ceremony was held in Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday to honor contributions by outstanding policemen, public security officers, and private citizens to social security and order. An art performance was held in Can Tho City on Sunday to mark the occasion. Under President Truong Tan Sang’s authorization, the Can Tho municipal authorities presented the title “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” to the Investigation Police for Economic Management Order and Title Offenses (PC46) in Can Tho City. Colonel Tran Thanh Chang, head of the department, said: "This is a noble title presented to PC46 by the Party and State. The title acknowledges the Can Tho police force’s efforts and achievements in investigation, Party building, and other activities to ensure internal unity and promote national emulation campaigns."

