Adli Mansour sworn in as Egypt’s interim president

Head of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court Adli Mansour took an oath on Thursday as Egypt’s interim president, promising to preserve the republic, respect the constitution and law, and protect the people’s legitimate interests. A military decree said Mansour will run the Egyptian government until a new president is elected. Mansour told reporters in Cairo following the swearing-in ceremony that the Muslim Brotherhood is part of the people and is invited to participate in building the nation, and if they respond to the invitation, they will be welcomed. This statement appeared to ease the tension that has existed since the military ousted President Mohamed Morsi.

Adli Mansour sworn in as Egypt’s interim president - ảnh 1
Adli Mansour runs Egypt's interim government. (Photo: Reuters)

However, Sheikh Abdel Rahman al-Barr, a Brotherhood executive board member, said his organization will not work with usurping authorities but called for supporters to avoid aggressive acts which might escalate the tension. Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed al-Beltagy said the Brotherhood will not take up arms but will not accept a military coup. He called Morsi’s removal a coup and denied its legitimacy.

On Thursday, the Syrian government voiced support for the military deposing of Morsi, calling it a drastic reversal which reflects Egypt’s keen interest in democracy. The United Arab Emirates welcomed Morsi’s downfall as a resolution for current politic instability. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said civilian rule in Egypt should be resumed as soon as possible and that the future leadership should reflect the Egyptian people’s will.

Germany's Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle called Morsi’s ouster a setback for democracy in Egypt and called for dialogue and compromise. The Turkish government considered the overthrow counter to people’s aspirations and national law. UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said the UK will work with the army-backed government but voiced objections to Morsi’s fall. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said China respects the choice of the Egyptian people and called on related parties to step up dialogue.

