An international food festival to open in Quang Nam province

(VOVWORLD) - The International Food Festival-Quang Nam 2023 is scheduled to take place from August 31 to September 3 in the ancient town of Hoi An, Quang Nam province, according the Quang Nam provincial People's Committee.
An international food festival to open in Quang Nam province  - ảnh 1The ancient town of Hoi An is recognized as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO

The festival aims to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage, culinary traditions, and tourism potential of Quang Nam province. The event also seeks to stimulate tourism demand and contribute the local socio-economic recovery and development.

The festival will feature a diverse range of activities, such as an exhibition showcasing One Commune One Product (OCOP) items from different regions and food stalls offering traditional local cuisine to visitors.

There will also be dedicated spaces to introduce cultural and tourism products, along with handicraft products from traditional craft villages.

One of the festival's highlights will be the participation of 26 renowned artisans and culinary experts from across the country. They will present impressive demonstrations of 26 typical traditional dishes from Quang Nam.

Moreover, a famtrip program will be organized to allow visitors to explore the province's unique cuisine and discover ecotourism sites in the area.

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