Announcement of the 8th plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee

(VOVWORLD) - The 13th Party Central Committee convened its 8th plenum from October 2 to 8 in Hanoi, discussing several major issues. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chaired the meeting and delivered important opening and closing remarks.
Announcement of the 8th plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee - ảnh 1At the 8th plenum of the 13th Party Central Commitee

Regarding the socio-economic situation, state budget in 2023-2024,

The Party Central Committee discussed and analyzed in-depth the highlights of 2023 as well as achievements, limitations, weaknesses, difficulties, and obstacles that need to overcome and resolved. On the basis of analysis and forecast as well as the actual situation, the Party Central Committee determined development perspectives, guidelines, overall goals, a number of basic indicators, important tasks, and main solutions for the remaining months of 2023 and the whole year 2024 and the necessity and correctness of implementing the new salary regime from July 1, 2024.

Regarding the summary of the 10 year-implementation of the Resolution of the 5th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on a number of social policy issues, 
The Party Central Committee unanimously agreed that in the past 10 years, the country obtained several important achievements, reflecting the superiority of the regime. However, limitations remain in social policies and social development management that need to be addressed soon.

The Party Central Committee unanimously adopted a Resolution on continuing to reform and improve the quality of social policies to meet the requirements of national construction and defense in the new period. The Resolution clearly defines the viewpoints, guiding ideas, goals, tasks and main solutions to continue to reform and improve the quality and effectiveness of social policies toward all people, comprehensiveness, fairness, modernity, inclusiveness, and sustainability, and better meeting the legitimate needs and aspirations of the people.

On summarizing 20 years of implementing the Resolution of the 7th plenum of the 9th Party Central Committee on promoting the strength of great national unity,

After objectively and scientifically assessing achievements and analyzing causes and lessons learned after 20 years of implementing Resolution 23 of the 9th Party Central Committee on promoting the strength of great national unity, the Party Central Committee unanimously adopted a new resolution on continuing to promote the tradition of great national unity and making the country increasingly rich, prosperous, civilized and happy.
Regarding the summary of 15 years of implementing the Resolution of the 7th plenum of the 10th Party Central Committee on building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of promoting national industrialization and modernization, 
The Party Central Committee unanimously determined the importance of building, developing and further promoting the role, position and contribution of the country's intellectuals, meeting requirements, and proactively and actively participating in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, continuing to strengthen national innovation, industrialization and modernization.

The Party Central Committee unanimously agreed to issue a new Resolution setting out the viewpoints, guiding ideas, main goals, tasks, and solutions to continue building and promoting the role of the intellectuals to meet the requirements for rapid and sustainable national development in the new period. 

Regarding the summary of 10 years of implementing the Resolution of the 8th plenum of the 11th Central Committee on the Strategy on National Defense in the new situation,

The Party Central Committee affirmed that summarizing the Resolution is an extremely necessary task for the Party Central Committee to comprehensively, deeply and systematically analyze and evaluate the situation and propose prompt guidelines and policies and correct measures to meet the requirements of national construction and defense in the new situation.

The Party Central Committee unanimously adopted the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee on the Strategy on National Defense in the new situation. The promulgation of this particularly important Resolution aims to create high consensus on viewpoints, goals, guiding principles and major tasks and solutions that need to be thoroughly understood and implemented in order to, in  any situation, firmly safeguard national independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, protect the Party, State, people and the socialist regime, protect national interests, protect political security, social  order and safety and develop an advanced Vietnamese culture embracing national identity, maintain political stability and a peaceful environment to develop the toward the socialist orientation of Vietnam.

Regarding the planning for the 14th Party Central Committee for the 2026 - 2031 term

The Party Central Committee has thoroughly researched and fully exercised its authority and expressed its political opinions regarding the proposed Planning of the 14th Party Central Committee. The Party Central Committee requested that immediately after the Conference, based on the results of the Central Committee's introduction, the review and appraisal of the Steering Committee, Central Party committees and functional agencies, the Politburo soon consider, decide on a step in planning of the Party Central Committee for the 2026 - 2031 term which will be the basis for training, fostering and regularly monitoring, inspecting and supervising officials who have been included in the planning.

The Party Central Committee discussed and unanimously decided to establish 05 Subcommittees to prepare for the 14th National Party Congress, including Documents Subcommittee, Socio-Economic Subcommittee, Human Resources Subcommittee, Party Charter Subcommittee, and the Subcommittee for Organization and Service of the Congress.

The announcement also said the Party Central Committee additionally elected Mr. Le Hoai Trung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Foreign Affairs, to be Member of the 13th Party Central Committee Secretariat, and elected a number of additional members of the 13th Party Central Committee's Inspection Commission.

The Party Central Committee calls on the entire Party, people and army to strengthen solidarity and unity, strive to overcome all difficulties and challenges, and firmly protect independence, territorial sovereignty and security. national security, successfully completing goals and tasks set for 2023 and following years, effectively implement the resolutions and conclusions of the 8th Plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress. 


