Belgium stilt walking artists ready to join Hue Festival 2022

(VOVWORLD) - The stilt walking troupe ‘De Steltenlopers van Merchtem’ from Belgium is ready to perform at Hue Festival 2022 once the COVID-19 is under control.

Roger Daelemans, head of the troupe, said they expect to bring unique art performances to Hue Festival next year.

The stilt walking troupe ‘De Steltenlopers van Merchtem’ has performed in Vietnam four times at Hue Festivals and Hanoi's carnivals. Mr. Daelemans said they were impressed by the hospitality of Vietnamese people as well as the country’s professional organization and international popularity of the Hue Festival.

A biennial festival celebrated in the former imperial city of Hue, the Hue Festival showcases the best of Hue’s culture and attracts foreign troupes of theater, puppetry, dance, music, and acrobatics. 

