Belgium, Vietnam see growing multifaceted cooperation: Belgian politician

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is a priority partner of Belgium and bilateral cooperation has seen fruitful developments, matching the demand and strengths of the two countries, a Belgian politician has said.
Belgium, Vietnam see growing multifaceted cooperation: Belgian politician - ảnh 1A seminar on Vietnam - Belgium investment promotion held in Brussels on April 22 (Photo: VNA)

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondent in Belgium on Wednesday, Anne Lambelin, Vice President of the Belgian Socialist Party, said the successful organisation of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the perfection of key leadership by the Vietnamese National Assembly will offer the two countries opportunities to expand their multifaceted cooperation.

Referring to the prospect of multilateral cooperation, Lambelin emphasized that the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which has come into effect for eight months, is benefiting European countries and Vietnam in import and export fields.

Cooperation in culture and education will also be a highlight in the bilateral relationship, while economic, cultural, and judicial connections will be paid more attention in the relations between the EU and Vietnam, she noted.

Regarding the East Sea issue, she emphasized the need to respect the self-determination of the people in each country on natural resources and national integrity, expressing her hope that there would be no escalation of tensions in the waters and people in the region would not become victims of aggressive acts.

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