Boeing: Southeast Asia to become the world’s 5th largest aviation market by 2039

(VOVWORLD) -Boeing, the US’s leading aircraft manufacturer, said Thursday that airlines in Southeast Asia would need 4,400 new aircraft worth 700 billion USD to meet the increasing needs of air travel in the next 20 years.
Boeing: Southeast Asia to become the world’s 5th largest aviation market by 2039  - ảnh 1(Source: Boeing)

According to Boeing Commercial Market Outlook (CMO) report, Southeast Asia will become the 5th largest market in the world by 2039 and the vast domestic and regional air-travel network across the region positions it well for a post-pandemic recovery.

CMO forecasts that growth in passenger traffic in Southeast Asia will increase by 5.7% per year until 2039. During this period, Southeast Asia will become the 2nd largest aviation market in the Asia-Pacific region after China. Boeing said the region's commercial aircraft fleet will grow 5.3% a year over the next 20 years. Demand for aftersales services worth 790 billion USD will help maintain the fleet of aircraft over the same period.

