Chinese President Xi Jinping visits South Africa

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in South Africa Monday for a state visit to promote bilateral ties and for a summit of the BRICS countries.

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits South Africa - ảnh 1
Chinese President Xi Jinping visits South Africa

In his speech at the Tambo International Airport of Johannesburg, XI said that both China and South Africa are major developing countries with important influence, and both are highly dynamic emerging economies. He said China-South Africa relations consolidation and development is not only in the interests of the two peoples, but also to promote the solidarity and cooperation among developing countries for peace and development of the world. The same day, Xi met his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma and discussed the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership established between the two countries in 2010.

He will be in Durban for the fifth summit of BRICS including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa under the theme "BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialization".

