CNRP not nominate a candidate for NA Vice President post

(VOVworld) – Kem Sokha, Vice President of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and the first Vice President of the Cambodian National Assembly said on Friday that his party will not appoint a new candidate replacing his current position in the legislative agency.

CNRP not nominate a candidate for NA Vice President post - ảnh 1
Sokha’s removal on Friday is the latest act in an ongoing rivalry in advance of 2017 elections. (Photo: Samrang Pring/Reuters)

Earlier the Cambodian National Assembly removed Kem Sokha from his position as the First Vice President of the Parliament. Sokha’s announcement came after Speaker of the Parliament, Heng Samrin, sent a letter to Sam Rainsy, asking him to submit a replacement for Sokha.
The decision was made after all of the 68 lawmakers from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) voted to dismiss Kem Sokha during a parliamentary session.
Cambodian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said Kem Sokha had used his position to slander and attack the royal government, and to incite people to oppose the royal government and the CPP.

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