Covid-19 infections reach 182.5 million worldwide, Delta on track to become dominant strain

(VOVWORLD) - As of Wednesday morning, the world recorded 182.5 million cases of COVID-19 with 3.9 million deaths.
Covid-19 infections reach 182.5 million worldwide, Delta on track to become dominant strain - ảnh 1Medical staff conducts a COVID-19 test for people in Seoul, South Korea, June 27, 2021. (Photo: Yonhap/VNA)

The pandemic is becoming more complicated with the number of Delta variant infections (first detected in India) increasing sharply.

Experts are concerned that the Delta variant is on track to become the dominant strain of coronavirus in the US as it continues to spread strongly and now accounts for 35.6% of cases in the past two weeks.
Russia on Tuesday recorded 650 more COVID-19 fatalities - the maximum since the beginning of the pandemic.
France announced that the Delta variant now accounts for about 20% of new cases in the country.
The share of COVID-19 cases caused by the more infectious Delta variant of the coronavirus more than doubled in Germany within a week.
In Asia, Cambodia detected a total of 22 cases of the new Delta variant in June.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) warned that the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 cases is pushing Indonesia on the brink of a "catastrophe", when the Delta virus is spreading strongly in this country, causing hospitals to become overwhelmed.

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