CPV Central Committee opens 5th meeting


CPV Central Committee opens 5th meeting - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The 11th Communist Party of Vietnam’s Central Committee opened its 5th meeting Monday in Hanoi. Scheduled for 9 days, the meeting is expected to discuss the revision of the 1992 Constitution. Delegates will also review implementation of the 9th Party Central Committee’s Resolution, discuss measures to renovate land policies on land in the country’s industrialization and modernization process, as well as some socio-economic issues for the next 8 years with a focus given to social policy beneficiaries and ensuring social security. High on the agenda are the 5-year implementation of the 10th Party Central Committee’s Resolution on enhancing the Party’s leadership in the fight against corruption and wastefulness while consolidating and improving the quality of the Central Steering Committee for anti-corruption.

Delegates will also hear reports on major tasks completed by the Politburo and on the country’s socio-economic development over the past 4 months.

