CPV delegation visits Cambodia

CPV delegation visits Cambodia - ảnh 1 Le Hong Anh, a Politburo member and Permanent Member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat

(VOVworld)- Vietnam and Cambodia have agreed to strengthen traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and States. The agreement was reached during talks between Le Hong Anh, a Politburo member and Permanent Member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Sai Chhum, Head of the Standing Committee of the Cambodian People’s Committee and Vice President of the Cambodian National Assembly Sai Chhum in Phnompenh on Monday. They also agreed to strengthen cooperation between ministries and agencies and effectively implement signed agreements. The same day, the Vietnamese delegation laid a wreath at the Cambodian Independent Monument and Monument for Vietnamese Volunteers in Phnompenh. Earlier, Mr. Le Hong Anh met with the staff from the Vietnamese Embassy as well as Vietnamese citizens and businesses in Cambodia.

