Crisis in Eastern Ukraine remains complicated

Crisis in Eastern Ukraine remains complicated  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) - Security forces will launch attacks to regain control if negotiations with pro-Russian protesters occupying government buildings in eastern Ukraine fail. Deputy Head of Ukraine’s presidential administration Andrei Senchenko told reporters in Kiev on Thursday that the situation in Donetsk has become calmer, but he threatened warning shots in Lugansk if protestors do not leave the Security Service office they are occupying. By the end of Thursday, more and more protestors had gathered in this building. A phone call by President Oleksandr Turchynov in which he promised not to prosecute the protestors if they give up their weapons and leave the building did not appease the crowd. Local council members called on the Ukraine government to halt its anti-terrorism campaign, approve amnesty for the protesters, acknowledge Russian as Ukraine’s 2nd national language, and conduct a nationwide referendum on federalization. The protesters say they are not asking for separation and will not trust Kiev’s promise of amnesty unless a formal amnesty bill is approved.

At the end of Thursday, the situation in Ukraine’s eastern provinces remained tense. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseni Yaseniuk is scheduled to arrive in Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk on Friday to work with leaders and industrial representatives of 5 eastern provinces to discuss regional issues, government decentralization of power, and the draft of a new Constitution.

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