Deadly knife attack in Paris, assailant arrested

(VOVWORLD) - French police arrested a man who targeted passersby in Paris on Saturday night, killing a German tourist with a knife and injuring two others, France's Interior Minister said.
Deadly knife attack in Paris, assailant arrested - ảnh 1Police are deployed at the scene of the attack. (photo: Reuters/DW)

The assailant was later arrested. Police sources said the man has an extremist Islamic ideology and suffers from mental illness. Paris prosecutor's office said the 25-year-old French citizen had spent four years in prison for planning a violent offense.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin is scheduled to inspect the scene in District 15, near the Eiffel Tower. He wrote on the X social network that police arrested a man who attacked a passersby in Quai de Grenelle. Anti-terrorist prosecutors are investing the incident.

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