Deputy Foreign Minister visits China


Deputy Foreign Minister visits China - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Thanh Son on Friday met with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jechi during his visit to China this week. At the reception, Minister Yang Jechi spoke highly of the outcomes of the Vietnam-China forum for economic, trade and investment cooperation early this week. Deputy Foreign Minister Son, who is also Head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, expressed his hope that the traditional friendship between the two countries nurtured by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong will flourish in the future. 

On Saturday, Son met with Overseas Vietnamese in Beijing. He reiterated Vietnam’s policy to the Vietnamese community there. Regarding the Vietnam-China relations, Son said both countries will patiently seek peaceful solutions to disputes based on agreements reached by senior Party and State leaders and avoid acts that are harmful to the two nations’ interest and traditional friendship. Deputy Foreign Minister Son expressed his hope that Vietnamese in Beijing will help promote the images of Vietnam land and people.

