Deputy PM inspects pandemic prevention and control in HCMC, Long An

(VOVWORLD) - Public cooperation will be the decisive factor in winning the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, said Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh while visiting and inspecting COVID-19 prevention and control in Ho Chi Minh City and Long An province on Tuesday. 
Deputy PM inspects pandemic prevention and control in HCMC, Long An - ảnh 1Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh speaks at a working session with Long An province on COVID-19 prevention and control and local socio-economic development. (Photo: VOV)

He praised Ho Chi Minh City’s creative initiatives to get the military, local authorities, and agencies to ensure the food supply to city residents during this social distancing period.  

While inspecting COVID-19 prevention and control in Long An province, Mr. Thanh asked local authorities to take care of individuals, particularly workers and farmers, who are impacted by the pandemic.

Long An is a buffer zone which supplies agricultural products and other essential goods to Ho Chi Minh City, the Deputy PM noted, adding that the province should prioritize vaccinating and protecting shippers to avoid supply chain disruptions.   

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