Deputy PM urges COVID-19 hotlines and community health teams

(VOVWORLD) - Localities need to immediately deploy a hotline system and community health teams to each residential area to receive, supervise and provide on-site medical support for anyone suspected of contracting COVID-19 or suffering other health problems, said Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam.

Deputy PM urges COVID-19 hotlines and community health teams  - ảnh 1Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam chairs a meeting of the National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control. (Photo: VOV)

Chairing a meeting of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control on Friday, Mr. Dam stressed the need to firmly protect green, safe residential areas and at the same time encircle and narrow high-risk and very high-risk areas. He asked localities to maximize the role of mass organizations, community teams, and all people in implementing social distancing according to the Prime Minister’s Directive 16.

It’s necessary to separate asymptomatic cases from symptomatic patients to provide appropriate care in terms of nutrition and physical and mental health, in order to reduce the risk of developing symptoms, said Deputy Prime Minister Dam.

On Friday, Vietnam recorded 9,180 new infections, raising the caseload from late April to nearly 252,000. 

