Egyptian media highlight Vietnam’s development achievements

(VOVWORLD) - A number of media outlets in Egypt covered Vietnam’s socio-economic and foreign development achievements and Vietnam-Egypt relations to mark the 76th anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day on September 2 and 58 years of diplomacy between the two countries on September 1.

Articles by Gomhuriaonline (Republic), Almasryalyoum (Egypt Today), and Eventsmagazinenews noted that during the past 76 years Vietnam has developed from a poor, underdeveloped Southeast Asian country into a strong nation with a growing role and position in the world.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 Vietnam achieved an economic growth rate of 2.91%, one of the highest growth rates in the world, the articles noted.

They quoted Vietnamese Ambassador to Egypt Tran Thanh Cong, who said at a ceremony to mark Vietnam’s National Day that the close bond between Vietnam and Egypt has grown even stronger in recent years, as demonstrated by an exchange of visits by their leaders in 2017 and 2018.

Two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and Egypt totaled 515 million USD in 2020 and is expected to reach 1 billion USD very soon.

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