Emirates A380 makes longest non-stop flight between Dubai and NZ

(VOVworld) - An Emirates Airbus A380 jet has made what is believed to be the world's longest non-stop scheduled commercial flight by distance.

Emirates A380 makes longest non-stop flight between Dubai and NZ - ảnh 1
The inaugural Dubai-Auckland journey was made by an Airbus A380
The plane had covered a distance of about 14,200km when it touched down in Auckland in New Zealand on Wednesday. The return flight to Dubai left at about 19.30 local time (08:30 GMT). 
Both flights were around the 17 hours and 15 minutes mark, although the return could be a few minutes longer. Qantas' Dallas-Sydney flight was believed to be the previous current longest flight, at 13,800km and clocking in at about 16 hours, 55 minutes.
The Dubai-Auckland flight duration record is not expected to hold for long, as Emirates is launching a Dubai-Panama City service later in March that will take 17 hours, 35 minutes.

