Exhibition features tigers in Vietnam’s ancient art

(VOVWORLD) - Tigers represented in Vietnam’s ancient art is the main theme of an exhibition which  opened at the Vietnam National Museum of History in Hanoi on Tuesday.  
Exhibition features tigers in Vietnam’s ancient art - ảnh 1A poster of the exhibition. (Photo: Vietnam National Museum of History)

On display are more than 30 exhibits, documents, and images featuring tigers throughout over 2,000 years of the country's art history, showing that tigers were widely portrayed in Vietnam’s ancient pottery, carving and folk paintings, among others.

The event, in celebration of the coming Year of the Tiger, is jointly arranged by the museum, the Hung Kings Temple historical relic site, and collectors. 

“The tiger is one of the 12 zodiac animals. It symbolizes power, authority, and staunchness. The image of the tiger is closely associated with Vietnamese people’s daily life and art,” said Do van Tru, Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Cultural Heritage.

Exhibition features tigers in Vietnam’s ancient art - ảnh 2Some paintings of the tiger at the exhibition.

The image of the tiger appeared early in the lives of Vietnamese people with carvings on stone about 7,000-8,000 years ago, and worshiped by many tribes from the prehistoric period.

The exhibition will run until August this year.

