Farmers are center of agricultural development, rural economy and new rural areas: Party leader

(VOVWORLD) -The Party and State have promulgated multiple guidelines and policies to develop agriculture, farmers and rural areas and identified farmers as the players and center of agricultural and rural economic development coupled with building new rural areas, said Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Farmers are center of agricultural development, rural economy and new rural areas: Party leader - ảnh 1The 8th National Congress of the Vietnam Farmers' Union,  2023-2028 tenure. Photo: VOV

Party leader Trong on Tuesday addressed the 8th National Congress of the Vietnam Farmers' Union, which was attended by President Vo Van Thuong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and 1,000 delegates, representing more than 10 million members and farmers nationwide.

The General Secretary said the Party and State of Vietnam determine agriculture to be a national advantage and a pillar of the economy. Farmers and rural areas have a strategic position in industrialization-modernization process and national construction and defense.

He emphasized that in addition to favorable factors, the world and region are forecast to face complicated and unpredictable developments and called for efforts to build a stronger Vietnam Farmers' Union, which is truly an organization representing the legal and legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

Farmers are center of agricultural development, rural economy and new rural areas: Party leader - ảnh 2Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong delivers a speech at the Congress. Photo: VOV

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong outlined tasks, "Proactively and actively participate in integration and expansion of international cooperation, disseminate information on national development policies and foreign policies of the Party and State of Vietnam, national construction and reform achievements, and Vietnam’s cultural values to international organizations, partners and friends."

"Promote the role of the Vietnam Farmers' Union as a member of regional and international farmer organizations, support the export of agricultural products, attract international resources to develop agriculture, farmers and rural areas. Promote the role of farmers by actively participating in cooperation, exchange and introduction of agricultural goods, contributing to boosting people-to-people diplomacy. Vietnam's market is large and Vietnam's relations with other countries in this field can be strengthened," he said. 

Farmers are center of agricultural development, rural economy and new rural areas: Party leader - ảnh 3Leaders and former leaders of the Party and State attend the Congress. Photo: VOV

Themed "Solidarity-Democracy-Creativity-Cooperation-Development", the Congress has set out three groundbreaking tasks: Innovating methods of gathering and uniting farmers, developing the collective economy and improving the qualifications of farmers.

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