Fisheries Trade Union launched to support Hoang Sa and Truong Sa fishermen

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on Saturday launched the Fisheries Trade Union and the Program to support fishermen in Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratley) archipelagos. Since the first Fisheries Trade Union was set up in An Hai commune, Quang Ngai province, 36 Fisheries Trade Unions with 6,000 members have been set up in 12 coastal cities and provinces helping to ensure fishermen’s legitimate rights.

Fisheries Trade Union launched to support Hoang Sa and Truong Sa fishermen  - ảnh 1
President of Vietnam Confederation of Labor Dang Ngoc Tung addressed the meeting-

Vo Van Thuong, Secretary of Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee, says: “This is an effective model to support laborers, especially fishermen. This organization has attracted many fishermen. I hope that the General Confederation of Labor will develop more incentives supporting fishermen and protecting their legitimate rights”.

The same day, the Gold Heart Fund of the Labor newspapers launched a program to support fishermen in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos in 2013. The program aims to present 10,000 health insurance cards and 1,000 ship insurance cards to fishermen.

Fisheries Trade Union launched to support Hoang Sa and Truong Sa fishermen  - ảnh 2
Vo Van Thuong, Secretary of Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee-

