FM affirms Vietnam's consistent stance on settling international disputes by peaceful means

(VOVWORLD) - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son talked by phone with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei on Friday to discuss ways to enhance bilateral relations as both countries are celebrating the 30th anniversary of their diplomatic ties this year.

FM affirms Vietnam's consistent stance on settling international disputes by peaceful means - ảnh 1 Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son (L) holds a phone conversation with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei, April 15, 2022. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The two FMs exchanged views on international and regional issues of shared concern.
Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, FM Son affirmed Vietnam's consistent stance on the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means on the basis of respecting the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and international law as well as independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of nations.

They called on concerned parties to ensure security and safety for civilians and protect essential infrastructure, support humanitarian assistance activities of the UN and international partners to people affected by the conflict.

FM Son reiterated Vietnam’s willingness to contribute to humanitarian relief activities, diplomatic processes, dialogues as well as the reconstruction and recovery process in Ukraine.

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