Foreign leaders extend congratulations to new President To Lam

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders of Laos, China and Cambodia have sent their congratulations to Mr. To Lam on his election as State President of Vietnam. 
Foreign leaders extend congratulations to new President To Lam - ảnh 1State President To Lam addresses the National Assembly following his election as State President on May 22, 2024.

Lao Party General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith expressed his delight in working with the Vietnamese President to nurture the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries' Parties, States, and people.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said he is ready to work with the Vietnamese President to maintain strategic exchanges and lead the building of the Vietnam-China community with a shared future in a deeper and more practical manner, bringing greater benefits to their people.

Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni expressed his belief that under the leadership of President Lam, Vietnam will achieve great success and rapid developments in all fields, and maintain its important role in the region and the world. The monarch said he hopes the bonds between the people of the two countries will grow stronger for peace, stability, cooperation and development.

