Government urges greater effort to prevent monkeypox

(VOVWORLD) - In a dispatch on Monday signed by Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh instructed the People’s Committees of cities and provinces to issue guidance on preventing and controlling monkeypox.
Government urges greater effort to prevent monkeypox  - ảnh 1Rash on hands of a patient with monkeypox (illustrative photo)

Supervision should be tightened at border gates and in the community, the PM said, emphasizing that medicine, equipment, human resources, and financing should be available for implementing preventive measures and treating patients.

He urged municipal and provincial People’s Committees to put forth plans and scenarios, organise training courses for health workers, diversify communications, and set up hotlines.

According to the dispatch, the Ministry of Health should closely monitor the situation and take suitable measures to quickly deal with monkeypox clusters, paying particular attention to health care workers and vulnerable groups.

The Ministry was asked to create a plan to respond to the disease, develop guidelines, improve testing and diagnosis, and monitor local monkeypox prevention and control efforts.

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